Sunday, December 20, 2015


Title Slide: Poverty


Cut to picture of shopping carts, a couch, and mattress where people sleep and congregate.

Cut to picture of elderly woman with a walker.

Cut to picture of Outreach Program tables.

Text: In 2014, 47 million people lived in Poverty USA. That means the poverty rate for 2014 was 15%.

Cut to picture of donations at Outreach Program.

Cut to picture of doll on the ground.

Cut to picture of little girl in blankets.

Text: In 2014, the poverty rate for people living with a disability was 29%.

Cut to picture of little girl next to garbage.

Text: That’s more than 4 million people living with a disability—in poverty.
Cut to picture of teenage boy with lip ring.

Cut to picture of young boy on the sidewalk with no shoes.

Text: poverty is often perceived as a problem of urban environments and inner cities, the poverty rate in metropolitan areas (15%) is actually lower than the poverty rate for people outside of metropolitan areas (17%).

Cut to picture of young boy behind chain link fence.

Cut to picture of older gentleman sleeping on the floor.

Text: The Census Bureau (pdf) reported that in 2014, 46.7 million people (14.8 percent) lived in poverty.

Cut to picture of children in front of rundown home.

Text: Children continue to have high poverty rates, with 21.1 percent of children under 18 living in poverty in 2014.

Cut to picture of little boy playing in front of rundown house.

Cut to picture of two women and a child.

Text: The number of individuals in households that faced the deepest struggles with hunger – “very low food security” – was 5.5 percent in 2014. 15.3 million children lived in food insecure households in 2014, compared to 15.8 million in 2013.

Cut to picture of older woman begging.

Cut to picture of veteran hugging self.

Text: Veterans have lower overall rates of poverty than Non-Veterans.

Cut to picture of veteran waiting on benefits.

Text: The poverty rate for Veterans between the ages of 18 to 34 are higher than all other age groups. 
Cut to picture of older gentleman walking with a cane.

Cut to picture of man barefoot, sleeping on a bench.

Cut to picture of impoverished child (dirty face and clothing).

Cut to picture of homeless man.

Text: Disabled Veterans have higher poverty rates than disabled non-Veterans for all age groups except over age 65. Veteran poverty trends need monitoring due to higher poverty rates in disabled Veterans. 
Cut to picture of elderly homeless person in wheelchair.

Cut to picture of poverty-stricken disabled veteran.

Narration plays over the next slides and into credits:

5 Ways to Fight Poverty in Your Community
There are so many different ways to fight poverty in your community. Here are five things YOU can do to make a difference.
1. Educate Yourself A nationwide lack of affordable housing, the sad state of public education, the lack of public transportation systems, and racial injustice, all contribute to an endless cycle of poverty that pervades every state in this country. By reading and educating yourself, you can strengthen your understanding of anti-poverty movements. Take it one more step and put your findings in a letter to the editor or article for your local paper or newsletter.

2. Take Legislative Action 
Support national and local non-profits in their efforts to develop and drive anti-poverty legislation. Petitions are a fantastic way to create change in your local government or neighborhood. You can choose to fight a bad policy, or create a good one. You can write your own petition, or help to propagate one already in existence.

3. Donate You can donate food, money, clothing, toiletry items, old furniture, toys and magazines. Check the organization’s websites or call first to be sure that they can use your donation.

4. Volunteer You can volunteer with kids, families, women, the elderly, the disabled, the homeless, and the mentally ill; in shelters, soup kitchens, community centers, after school programs, and employment centers. You can teach literacy, resume development, job training courses, ESL, computer class, coach sports, serve food, and provide counseling.

5. Organize a Rally or Fundraiser
A rally is great way to raise awareness. A large gathering of people shows solidarity for a cause, and is a great way to get the attention of the media, businesses, local legislature, and other concerned community members. A
benefit concert, a 5k run, or even a bake sale can help raise both funds AND awareness.

Taken from
Cut to picture of Vietnam veteran, then and now.

Cut to picture of woman and children in front of shacks.

Cut to picture of Richard Branson, billionaire.

Cut to picture of wealthy man in a car with an exotic animal.

Cut to picture of statistics.

Cut to picture of family eating on top of piles of garbage in Latin America.

Cut to picture of impoverished man and woman from Latin America.

Cut to picture of young girl walking amidst debris in Latin America.


Pamela Araya
Images, Content Contributor, Statistics

Nora Bradbury
Narration, Content Contributor, Script

Teresa Ryan
Images, Content Contributor, Credits

Dinah Vavaeo
Content Contributor, Editor

Poverty Statistics

Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United

Music Credits

Kai Engel
Free Music Archive/Creative Commons

Image Credits

"Faces of Poverty"
Courtesty of Arleen Thaler
Creative Commons
Pictures available for re-use

Teresa Ryan

Pamela Araya

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Foundations in Education Class Final Project


I have decided to do my final project in foundations of Education with the skills I've learned in my Digital Storytelling class.


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Sunday, November 22, 2015

I just wanted to share some quotes by this genius:

Making the spread-Mobile Movie 2

The movie takes place in my "art corner" The fact that my printer broke, made me me have to bring out my old smith and Corona" funny note: my boyfriend picked it up at a garage sale and said"all writers have one of need one so there you go" it starts out by me typing the the title of the movie on it and bringing the type close to the screen.
Using the typewriter made me think about how Dr. Seuss used to set up his story boards, and so I talk a little about him and how he is the best selling author of children's books and how he revolutionized children's literature by making it fun! Funny enough Dr. Seuss was actually terrified of children and was actually his personality which inspired "the grinch"
After I show his storyboards then I continue to go on and create my spread.

Dr Seuss' - Rhymes and Reasons Documentary, Part 1 of 9

I am sharing this video because I think it is a beautiful documentary about, not only a brilliant artist and writer but also this country's history and perhaps everyone's childhood, even in modern times..

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Part IV- Building your own story-The 7 Keys of Storytelling: Begin at the End

Building your own story!

I have always thought that if i had less to d=say it would be easier to just focus on what thing and say it, but when you have many things to say a lot of ideas and a lot of stories and characters, i find it best to focus on your favorite, and the one that it is closest to being finished!!.

According to (Alexander pg 193) for easier story telling begin with a small media horizon such as a single web page, a blog or a flicker account. Thinking of a story idea, create a single piece of content for it in text and image, shoot a photo remix a story from the public domain or write one from scratch. Don't think of that item as a representational powerpoint slide but as a mystery that can't be solved right away. Brainstorm a cryptic image, a paragraph occurring in media. I find this process a little confusing to follow he uses a lot of language that although is simple is very difficult to understand in term of picturing in one's mind what you have to do. I also found this video on the 7 key points of storytelling and I found from the get go that this process is much easier to picture in one's mind what to do first. That is to start at the end.  Figure out what is the message you want to give or end up being, weather it is that they share your story or click on a link. I reminded me of what i saw in a documentary about movie filming, movies are almost never filmed in sequence they almost always film the end and work their way back. Maybe it has something to do with setting a goal for yourself, if you know where you are going it is easier to find your way.


"Mobile devices have become the ultimate story telling devices" (ALexander Pg 141)

The mobile phone is a Global computing platform used across all nations, languages and ages we should expect if trend lines hold steady that over 5 billion people will have cell phone subscriptions in the word by 2010" February 25, 2014.

There are almost as many cell-phone subscriptions (6.8 billion) as there are people on this earth (seven billion)—and it took a little more than 20 years for that to happen.( on the mobile home documentary "Phone Addiction"70 % of people check their phones early in the morning after waking up. Most of these update their statuses early in the morning as well. As a society our cell phone has become another limb or vital organ it is with us 24 of the day because even though we sleep 5 -10 hours a day it is most likely charging right next to us. When we begin our morning even with the simple status update of "have a great morning" we have started the digital story telling of the day some people post constantly, what they eat, where they go, what they do, with pictures and videos of their events. The mobile phone for me is the most important story telling tool we have in the present times.

Blog History-Part 2 New platforms for tales and telling

I think this is a great funny video of the history of blogging....

According to (Alexander,pg 47) blogging is the dinosaur or granddaddy of the social media authoring platforms. The first days of the form and its similarities to diaries provided an early comparison to the "classic narrative tool". The personal sense associated with diaries also enabled "blogger? to emerge as a category. On a personal level (Alexander pg 48) The author talks about teaching with blogs in the Spring of 2011 during a british literature class.  as the semester progressed  he found each blog entry as the students self-representation more so than any other digital teaching tools as discussion board. Even thought the assignments was an experiment it felt easy and very natural.

If there was ever a place I feel like I could post anything is definitely my blogs. I mean on my facebook page for example you have to be careful to truly express yourself because you can offend somebody or if you vent about work you can get fired. So definitely blogging is the closest thing we have to diaries now a days.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Mobilestory part 3

Today is October 18,  and we have our first snow warning here in upstate NY. It is a chill 45 and it is starting to fall little little snow flakes. It is brutal here in Upstate NY. but there is something beautil about the next 3 months. First comes Halloween which is always a ton of fun, then Thanks Giving and then ofcourse the Christmass and New Years....Christmass time is not a time for shopping but a time to cherish family, drink eggnog and eat good food. After new years well it is babicly depressing untill March comes around so I try to cherish the next 3 months the most I can.....This video is  just an extra video of how I work shellac on the drawing. shellac is a wood primer, it happens to be archival, so it seals the paper and protect it also makes the color more vibrant because it basicly varnishes it. I then go over with white paint to bring back the highlights bacause the shellac also give the whites an antique look.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Her face so far...but I am not sure if I like it :(

Mobile Story 1-part 2-Due 10-18

MoBile Story 1-Due 10-18

Working on Cover- Mobile Movie # 1

Today is a beautiful Sunday Fall Morning. The wind is cool and crisp and the Sun is still warm to the favorte. I write to you today from  my tiny little art corner and I am doing my mobile story based on my book writting and illustration project as you alredy know. My movie today is going to be about getting that front cover that will be catchy, simple and will draw pople and kids in...

The script goes as follows:

The setting: My tiny Art corner

I begin by showing my materials and stuff I am going to need. My pencils, markers, paint, pens and shellac etc.... The I show my inspiration photograph which is a beautiful picture of my niece Lizzy and I have tried to campure her beauty in several sketches but I have to make a final drawing that I will use for my book. I will record my self  drawing some. The hardest part for me  has been trying to capture the beauty of her eyes... I will try to focus on this for my mobile movie...It has to be perfect....I will have to be able to live with it for a long time....I have made a couple of several good sketches, but yet I am not prefectly happy with any of them.. .today I will be working on a piece of mixed media paper...I recently bought a pad and hope to use this pad to do all of my illustrations the same size.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Digital Story telling!: Of Rice and Beans Step one!!

Digital Story telling!: Of Rice and Beans Step one!!: So I have made another is so time consuming!!!!


Today is a gloomy day in the Finger lakes...rain rain rain...but I love rain so I am ok. Today during my lunch hour at work I finished my very general story board for the book. As you can see I have  done my story board for the Spanish version of rice and beans because I really want to publish it in Spanish first because "The Abcs of what I could be" I published in English and most of my family in Costa Rica did not know what it said.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Hello, after posting my first selfie I read the instructions and saw where it said "video talking" OOOPSS!! here it goes!