Sunday, November 8, 2015


"Mobile devices have become the ultimate story telling devices" (ALexander Pg 141)

The mobile phone is a Global computing platform used across all nations, languages and ages we should expect if trend lines hold steady that over 5 billion people will have cell phone subscriptions in the word by 2010" February 25, 2014.

There are almost as many cell-phone subscriptions (6.8 billion) as there are people on this earth (seven billion)—and it took a little more than 20 years for that to happen.( on the mobile home documentary "Phone Addiction"70 % of people check their phones early in the morning after waking up. Most of these update their statuses early in the morning as well. As a society our cell phone has become another limb or vital organ it is with us 24 of the day because even though we sleep 5 -10 hours a day it is most likely charging right next to us. When we begin our morning even with the simple status update of "have a great morning" we have started the digital story telling of the day some people post constantly, what they eat, where they go, what they do, with pictures and videos of their events. The mobile phone for me is the most important story telling tool we have in the present times.

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