Sunday, October 18, 2015

Mobilestory part 3

Today is October 18,  and we have our first snow warning here in upstate NY. It is a chill 45 and it is starting to fall little little snow flakes. It is brutal here in Upstate NY. but there is something beautil about the next 3 months. First comes Halloween which is always a ton of fun, then Thanks Giving and then ofcourse the Christmass and New Years....Christmass time is not a time for shopping but a time to cherish family, drink eggnog and eat good food. After new years well it is babicly depressing untill March comes around so I try to cherish the next 3 months the most I can.....This video is  just an extra video of how I work shellac on the drawing. shellac is a wood primer, it happens to be archival, so it seals the paper and protect it also makes the color more vibrant because it basicly varnishes it. I then go over with white paint to bring back the highlights bacause the shellac also give the whites an antique look.

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