Sunday, October 18, 2015

Mobilestory part 3

Today is October 18,  and we have our first snow warning here in upstate NY. It is a chill 45 and it is starting to fall little little snow flakes. It is brutal here in Upstate NY. but there is something beautil about the next 3 months. First comes Halloween which is always a ton of fun, then Thanks Giving and then ofcourse the Christmass and New Years....Christmass time is not a time for shopping but a time to cherish family, drink eggnog and eat good food. After new years well it is babicly depressing untill March comes around so I try to cherish the next 3 months the most I can.....This video is  just an extra video of how I work shellac on the drawing. shellac is a wood primer, it happens to be archival, so it seals the paper and protect it also makes the color more vibrant because it basicly varnishes it. I then go over with white paint to bring back the highlights bacause the shellac also give the whites an antique look.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Her face so far...but I am not sure if I like it :(

Mobile Story 1-part 2-Due 10-18

MoBile Story 1-Due 10-18

Working on Cover- Mobile Movie # 1

Today is a beautiful Sunday Fall Morning. The wind is cool and crisp and the Sun is still warm to the favorte. I write to you today from  my tiny little art corner and I am doing my mobile story based on my book writting and illustration project as you alredy know. My movie today is going to be about getting that front cover that will be catchy, simple and will draw pople and kids in...

The script goes as follows:

The setting: My tiny Art corner

I begin by showing my materials and stuff I am going to need. My pencils, markers, paint, pens and shellac etc.... The I show my inspiration photograph which is a beautiful picture of my niece Lizzy and I have tried to campure her beauty in several sketches but I have to make a final drawing that I will use for my book. I will record my self  drawing some. The hardest part for me  has been trying to capture the beauty of her eyes... I will try to focus on this for my mobile movie...It has to be perfect....I will have to be able to live with it for a long time....I have made a couple of several good sketches, but yet I am not prefectly happy with any of them.. .today I will be working on a piece of mixed media paper...I recently bought a pad and hope to use this pad to do all of my illustrations the same size.